The Journal is an ongoing expression of what it means when man finds God. What if each day of your life was a journal entry written by God. How often would we feel shame? How often would we be proud? How often would we just shrug and see another wasted day. In our search for truth we found God who is the truth himself. We hope to bring some of that truth to you in our music and message.

We are two brothers from the beautiful Great Lake state of Michigan. We write music. We play our own stuff. We've come a long way. From rough around the edges to seeking a higher meaning and reaching a place of peace. It feels good to be whole. Not to say we've arrived but to simply state we found peace. In that calm setting we become enough. Not because of anything we did but because He is there. He fills in what was missing and patches the cracks. Not there yet but on our way. No longer alone.

Our influences range from classic rock to modern worship. We believe music is one of the highest forms of art in that when used properly it can open the stairway to heaven. No I won't play that one for you. Well maybe but that's not the point here. Our lives are expressed through our music. Where we've been, who we love and what we've learned. We play because when we do we feel the presence of God and when God is there, people are set free! "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty." 2 Corinthians 3:17